Set tool and object properties
The Properties toolbar is a dynamic toolbar that you can use to easily change the default property settings for a specific tool or object, such as form fields, hypertext links, and media clips. In Adobe Reader you can only set tool and object properties when you open a document with additional usage rights.
1.Do one of the following:
•Select a tool, such as the Note tool or Stamp tool.
•Select an object tool, such as a forms tool or Select Object tool.
2.Do one of the following:
•Choose View > Toolbars > Properties Bar.
•Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) on an object you have created to open the Properties dialog box or Properties toolbar.
3.Change the properties as desired.
4.To make settings apply to future objects of the same type, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) and select Make Current Properties Default (Note tool) or Use Current Properties as New Defaults (Forms tool). These settings remain in effect until you change them.

General Task Topics
Using the Properties toolbar in complete Help